We extend our greetings and wishes for a pleasant day!


About Us

The purpose of this billing descriptor is to provide clarity regarding a specific purchase made using a credit card, which is reflected in the detailed statement received by the individual.

In the event that the individual is unable to recall the purchase associated with the MYPILLSORG BD statement, they are encouraged to reach out to the website for further assistance and clarification.


Keep in touch

Our Services

The billing descriptor from MYPILLSORG may have caused confusion for you. Our team is dedicated to providing clarity on this matter. We are committed to assisting you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your billing statement.

Consistently reliable

Our customer service team is available around the clock to assist you with any concerns regarding the Billing Descriptor.

Updated technology

Our systems and services are safeguarded with cutting-edge technology.

Skillful communicators

Our team excels in facilitating effective communication with clients, encouraging them to express themselves even in challenging situations.